Thursday, March 27, 2008

Journal Entry 3/27

What type(s) of energy can be identified in the system in the initial state?

There is elastic potential energy in the system because the spring is being compressed.

What type(s) of energy can be identified in the system in its final state?

In the final state of this system, the car has gravitational potential energy (more so than in the before state).

Is there any work done on this system? How do you know?

No work was done on the system because there were no external forces influencing the objects.

How does the total energy of the system in the initial state compare to the total energy of the system in the final state?

The total energy of the system in the initial state equals the total energy in the final system. The elastic potential energy was converted into kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy. The gravitational potential energy is larger than the kinetic energy because the car is at the peak of the track. Therefore it is at the highest point away from the ground. The kinetic energy cause the car to move though, hence its presence in the final state.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Journal Entry 3/14

Can a light object have a large momentum? Give two examples and explain.
Can a heavy object have a small momentum? Give two examples and explain.

Momentum is directly related to both mass and velocity. The size of momentum is large or small in relation to its size and speed. If a light object is moving extremely fast, like a tiny chihuahua running at top speed, its momentum will be large in terms of its small size, but in the scheme of things it will not be that big. If the little dog weighed 0.5 pounds and was running at 5 mph (which is probably really fast for a chihuahua), it's momentum would still only be 2.5. That's not very large. If that same chihuahua was dropped out of a plan however (and fell at 125 miles per hour) it's momentum would be 62.5. Although this momentum is much larger than when the dog was running, it is still not that big. The same thing goes heavier objects. It is nearly impossible for them to have small momentums. When mass is so large, it doesn't matter how slow the object is moving, their momentum is still larger than fast moving light objects. If there was a cement truck (75,000 pounds) moving along the road at 1 mph, the truck would still have a momentum of 75,000. The only time when a heavy object could have a small momentum would be if it was at rest and had no momentum.

Can a small Mini Cooper and a large Cadillac ever have the same momentum? What would that look like? Explain.

A Mini Cooper and a large Cadillac could have the same momentum. A Mini Cooper weighs about 2,700 pounds and a large Cadillac weighs about 7,000 pounds. Lets say that the Cooper was speeding along the highway, going 90 mph. Under the overpass of the highway, a large Cadillac is driving along the residential road at 35 mph. Because moment is calculated by multiplying mass and velocity, both the Mini Cooper and the Cadillac have a momentum of 243,000. They are equal!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Journal Entry 3/07

As a freshman, my goal was to graduate from High School with a firm and resolute idea of what I would do with the rest of my life. Looking back on this idea as a senior, I realize that my goal was unrealistic. I don't think it's possible to plan your future. There is no way to predict what obstacles I will face or what triumphs I will enjoy. Although the High School did not fulfill my freshman objective, it went above and beyond that. Pequannock Township High School opened my eyes to the many wonderful components of this world. I have always tended to have a rather rigid perception of the world; success has always been equated with a high-profile job as a lawyer or a doctor. Through the teachers and students I have met though, I've come to realize that there is so much more to life than just monetary prowess and fame. Teachers should push their students to continually search for the "truth and beauty" you so often talk of. By exposing kids to a diverse body of knowledge, the High School will go a long way in changing students lives for the better. In response to the teachers actions, students need to remain open-minded at all times and be willing to embrace things outside of their comfort zone. I am fortunate to have encountered teachers who have changed my way of looking at things, and because I held on to these insights I am all the better for it.

Four years from now I hope to be preparing to graduate from a distinguished university (such as Cornell!!) and be setting my sights on either law school or other graduate work. As I truly enter the "real world" I hope that I find a job that will satisfy all of my desires. I am dedicated to making the world a better place, however cliché that may sound. It is important "to be the change you wish to see in the world", as Ghandi said, and I know that I want to live in a society with an improved set of values. We need to come together and disregard all our differences so that everyone can benefit from the wonders of this world. At this point in my life I'll probably be dreading payments on loans and wishing for millions of dollars, but I'll still be true to myself. I know that I will be a much more diversified person. Right now I live in the bubble that is Pequannock. After college, I will have met people from all over the world, and I know that their experiences and their beliefs will all serve as influences on me!

Ten years from now I see myself completed with my graduate studies and securing a position at a law firm or in some corporation. I will also be working a lot on networking. I want to stay in contact with the people I meet at college because I know that they will be crucial when I decide to enter into the political arena. Because I will not have been out of college for very long, I probably will not be in a serious leadership position at this point. I will however be dedicating myself to my profession, while again remaining true to myself. I feel that I have very strong convictions and I would not violate them for anything. My goal is to not get caught up in the drama that seems to be constantly corrupting the world. I know that I will be able to evaluate myself through other people. I will contact friends from high school and get together with them. If they feel that I have changed greatly, in a bad way, from our last encounter, I will know that I did not achieve my goal.

Twenty years from now I will be testing the waters of the political pool. It has always been/always will be my dream to become President of the United States. I know that I cannot graduate from college and head to Washington, intent on securing the position as Leader of the Free World. After I have established a stable foundation upon which to live, and have begun my family, I will take the time to do what I really want, serve the people. I see so many things that are wrong with society, and I know that I am not alone in my beliefs. I hope that by the time I am ready to become a representative of the people, their faith has been restored in our government. If it has not, then there will really need to be drastic changes, many of which will hopefully come with my assistance. As I evaluate my life twenty years from now, I know that I will continually ask myself whether the world is a better place because of me. If it is not, I will need to reevaluate my priorities, because I am determined to make this land that has fostered me, great for those around me and those to come. Looking back on high school, I think that I will remember all of the laughter that I experienced. I don't think a single day has gone by when I haven't been smiling. I have felt some of the purest happiness amidst the walls of Pequannock Township High School, thanks to both my friends and my teachers. If I am ever feeling down I know that I can look back on my high school years, and they will lift up my spirits.

If I were to send a message to myself, twenty years from now, I would say, don't forget the calm you found in high school. It's so easy to get caught up in the stresses of life and to blow things out of proportion. With every dilemma you face, take a deep breath and search for the best solution. If you have a problem, that problem remains whether you are screaming or whether you are staying calm and addressing it. Also, don't ever lose sight of the goals that you set for yourself years ago. The journey of your life may have taken you down a rather unexpected path, but you still have the potential for greatness!