Great Debates:
The Moon Landings: All Real or All Lies??
The Moon Landings: All Real or All Lies??
Host (Nicole): Hello and welcome to this weeks installment of Great Debates. Tonight, we will be considering the United States Space Program, and whether or not astronauts actually made it to the moon on July 20, 1969. Our special guest debaters tonight are Bryan and John, two noted scientists. Without further ado, let's get this debate started. Bryan you were the one to initiate this debate because you wanted to discredit NASA. How do you know that astronauts did not land on the moon?
Bryan: Well Nicole, as I'm sure you know, there are at least three aspects of the so-called moon landing that are contradictory. These contradictions are pretty full-proof if I do say so myself.
John: We'll have to see about that.
Nicole: Alright guys, before you get snippy with each other, Bryan what is the first point you would like to bring up?
Bryan: First of all, I would like to point out that in photographs of the supposed moon trip, no stars are visible. The moon is in the solar system, surrounded by stars, but they are surprisingly not seen in these photographs. I wonder how that could be. Actually I do know how that's possible. The moon landings were staged and by a basic human error, no stars were placed in the shots.
Bryan: Well that may be a possible explanation, but even still, I know the landing was a fake. I have other proof. Don't you worry.
Brian holds up a picture of astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, securing a US flag into the surface of the moon.

Bryan: If you're so sure that the astronauts actually went to the moon, how can you explain the movement of the flag in this picture? You have to know that there's no wind on the moon. What's going on John?
John: That's so simple Bryan. The astronauts themselves are causing the flag to move. Think about how you would put a flag into the ground. You have to twist and turn it so that it goes deep into the soil. The same thing is happening on the moon. Now if you can't come to terms with that, let's say that you decided to go to the park with your family one day. Now let's say that you stand in the middle of field and there is absolutely no wind blowing. It is the calmest day in the history of calm days. Your son and daughter decide to have a race. Your daughter starts to run and her long hair shifts around as if it is being blown by the wind. Don't forget that this is the calmest day in the history of calm days though. Clearly her own movement causes her hair to shift and flap around, as if it was being blown by the breeze.
Bryan: Hmpf. You think you're so smart. Well you're not. Show me some proof, some actual evidence that US astronauts actually went to the moon.
John proceeds to lift a moon rock out of his podium.
Bryan: What's that? Why would you bring a dumb rock to such a sophisticated debate?
John: I'm glad you asked Bryan. For your information this is no ordinary rock. This is a moon rock. Real scientists began extensive studies on these things when they were brought back from the moon by US astronauts. And do you know how we verified that these are not earth rocks? Probably not considering your other arguments. We analyzed their composition and came to see that there are no water molecules in these rocks. If they had been from Earth, there would be water molecules in them. Seriously Bryan, you should have done better research before coming on this show and embarrassing yourself.
Bryan storms off in a fit of anger and embarrassment.
Nicole: Well viewers, I hope you enjoyed today's episode of Great Debates. It certainly was interesting! Tune in next week for another Great Debate!
*** When you're looking at this Mr. D'Amato just keep in mind that I was not in class today. I looked at all the resources you provided and tried my best! ***
Nicole, you did a SUPER job based on the web links. Did you find this assignment interesting?
P.S. It looks like you tried to include a couple of pictures that didn't work .. I would love to see them if possible. Thanks.
I did think the assignment was pretty interesting! I'm glad we had to do it! I tried to upload the pictures, but they didn't work...sorry.
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