Saturday, December 1, 2007

Journal Entry 11/30

1. If an object is said to be moving in one dimension, its position can be determined by one coordinate system (aka a ruler).

2. Because motion is determined in terms of velocity (which takes into consideration the distance traveled and the speed of travel), a change can occur depending on the coordinate axis used to describe it. Practice Page 26 shows this. In coordinate axis A, the car starts at -100 m and moves to 0 m. In coordinate axis C, the car starts at 200 m and moves to 100 m. Although the speeds for both axis are 50, the velocities are 50 m/s and -50 m/s respectively. The cars may be covering the same number of meters, but they are moving in different directions.

3. When an object has a positive velocity, and is in one dimension, it is moving to the right. When an object has a negative velocity, and is in one dimension, it is moving to the left.


Chris said...
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Chris said...

Does positive always mean up and does negative always mean to the left? Explain.

Instructions to continue your work:

Make a NEW POST with the same title as the assignment and add the word "continued"

Your next revision must be posted before Thu Dec 06 2007 05:40:35 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) or your incomplete grade will be recorded as final.