Thursday, February 14, 2008

Journal Entry 2/14

1) The three experiments mentioned have prompted the discovery that circular motion is the result of an unbalanced force in the direction of the center of an object.
--> Bowling Ball: When the ball is rolled in a straight line, an unbalanced force is necessary to change its path of motion. Rapid taps on the side of the ball cause it to move in a circle. This tap is a force toward the center of the object. The path of motion that ensues is circular.
--> Bucket: When the bucket is swung in a circle, the water does not come out. The rope is an unbalanced force pulling on the bucket. Because the rope is pulling towards the center, the bucket moves in a circle and the water stays inside.
--> Air puck: If the air puck is turned on it will glide in a straight line. When it is attached to a string anchored to the floor, however, it begins to move in a circle. The string is an unbalanced force on the puck. Because this net force is pulling towards the of the object, said object moves in a circle.

2) When a small ball is rolled inside a ring-shaped track, the same pattern is observable. The track acts as an unbalanced force on the ball, pushing inward on this object. This causes the ball to move in a circle. The notion that the track is an unbalanced force can be tested if a piece of the track is removed. When a piece of the track is removed, the unbalanced force is removed from that portion and the ball leaves the track in a straight line.