Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Journal Entry 5/16

To test Gretchen's idea, we need to use the magnet that we have. Although we are unsure at this point if the fur and silk have made magnets of the rods, we do know that these rods have opposite charges. We know they have opposite charges because they attract on another. If we put the two rods near the magnetic poles, and one rod attracts the magnet and the other rod repels the magnet, we will know that the rods themselves have become magnetic. When the experiment is performed the magnet is attracted to both rods which means they do not have opposite magnetic charges and therefore are not magnets. Gretchen is wrong. The rods aren't magnetic.

1 comment:

Chris said...

This work shows achievement of the lesson's learning goals. Unfortunately, since it was started late, it can only earn a score of 3/4. This makes me sad. Please submit your work before the deadline next time.