Thursday, September 13, 2007

Journal Entry 9/10

1. What is the path of light rays from the laser to the screen? How can you tell?
2. Why can you see the spot on the wall?
3. Where can you stand to see the spot on the wall? What does this mean about the rays reflected from the wall?
4. Why can’t you see the beam of light before it hits the screen?
5. What do you observe when chalk dust is sprinkled in the beam? How can you explain this?
6. Summarize the conditions necessary for you to see something.

My Answers:
1. The path of the light rays from the laser are all concentrated in a straight line. There is a
single, intense light that shows up in only one spot.
2. The spot of light is visible because the laser being emitted hits the wall and is reflected off of
3. You could stand at any spot in ther room and still be able to see the spot on the wall.
This means that the rays are being reflected in every direction from the way.
4. The beam of light is not visible before it hits the screen because there is nothing for it to
reflect off prior to the screen.
5. When chalk dust is sprinkled on the beam of light, the light becomes visible. This is because
the light is being reflected off of the tiny dust particles.
6. In order to see something, light must be reflected off of an object. For example, light rays from a bulb reflect off of your hand and make your hand visible to you.