Sunday, September 16, 2007

Journal Entry 9/16 continued

  • I believe that light rays travel in straight lines because of the experiment we performed in class with the light bulb inside of the light proof box, with only a pinhole in it. Once we turned the light bulb on and shut the lights in the class room off, an image of the light bulb appeared on the wall, but it was inverted. The only way for the image to appear like so would be if rays traveled in a straight line from the base on the bulb, throught the pinhole, to the top of the wall, and in a straight line from the top of the bulb, through the pinhole, to the bottome of the wall. If the light rays were curved, they would not have made it through the pinhole as easily, and the inverted image would not have appeared.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Good. Assignment complete. 100%